The Offsprings’ Noodles: ‘We’ve Got Six Or Seven Songs ‘Done Done”

September 8, 2023

The Offspring lead guitarist Kevin “Noodles” Wasserman was recently a guest of “The Jesea Lee Show” and confirmed that the band is working on the follow up to ’21’s “Let The Bad Times Roll” album! Bob Rock (Metallica, Mötley Crüe) is once again producing (as he has the last three albums).

Noodle said, “We’ve got six or seven songs ‘done done’ — I think even mixed done. And we just wanna knock out another five or six, four or five. We wanna have at least 10 songs, I think, for the record, and then we’ll be done. And I think next year we’ll have something out.”

As for what you can expect of the new music’s sound, old school or new school? “It’s a little bit of both — all that. The last song we did definitely sounds like an old-school — sounds kind of like ‘Come Out Swinging’. Definitely some old-school stuff and then some rocking stuff and then some kind of poppy punk stuff too, for sure.”

The Offspring’s last album, “Let The Bad Times Roll”, with the band hitting career-high chart debuts with seven Top 5 and ten Top 10 international debuts and nine Top 10 debuts in the U.S. The album got to #3 in the U.K. and hit #1 on the Alternative Albums chart in the U.S!

Pretty cool to see Offspring still bangin’ it out. How many more albums do they have in ’em? Will the new album take the band to #1 in the U.S. again? 


Written by Todd Hancock