Richie Sambora Says ‘It’s Time’ for A Bon Jovi Reunion

November 7, 2023

You gotta wonder how long it took for Richie Sambora to regret his decision to quit Bon Jovi. Sambora left in ’13 and in a new interview with People magazine, said “it’s time” for a reunion to take place, considering this year is the band’s 40th anniversary.

Sambora confirmed that a Bon Jovi documentary is in the works, “There’s a documentary that’s being done about the band and stuff that I’ve participated in, and people want to come see us play, and it’s going to make everybody happy. I mean, essentially, that’s why you do it at this point.”

He continued, “I think that we wrote a lot of songs that changed a lot of people’s lives just by letting them have a good time. I know that’s what music did to me … kept me company. And I hope that I can reflect that in what I do. So yeah, it definitely could happen. It’s just a question of when everybody’s ready to go do it. It will be a big, massive kind of undertaking.”

“It’s time to do it, though,” Sambora said, mentioning he’s 64 years old. “This is our 40th anniversary, but I feel younger than ever. I’m having a ball.”

You last saw Sambora play with Bon Jovi back in ’18 when the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

Do you think the reunion will actually happen? Or are you skeptical, like me?


Written by Todd Hancock