Richie Sambora Says ‘It’s Time’ for A Bon Jovi Reunion
You gotta wonder how long it took for Richie Sambora to regret his decision to quit Bon Jovi. Sambora left in ’13 and in a new interview with People magazine, said “it’s time” for a reunion to take place, considering this year is the band’s 40th anniversary.
Sambora confirmed that a Bon Jovi documentary is in the works, “There’s a documentary that’s being done about the band and stuff that I’ve participated in, and people want to come see us play, and it’s going to make everybody happy. I mean, essentially, that’s why you do it at this point.”
He continued, “I think that we wrote a lot of songs that changed a lot of people’s lives just by letting them have a good time. I know that’s what music did to me … kept me company. And I hope that I can reflect that in what I do. So yeah, it definitely could happen. It’s just a question of when everybody’s ready to go do it. It will be a big, massive kind of undertaking.”