Body Count Finishes Recording New Album, ‘Merciless’

May 5, 2023

Ice-T‘s metal band, Body Count, has wrapped up recording their new album, “Merciless”.  The album is the follow-up to 2020’s “Carnivore”. You can expect a release later this year!


Last October, Ice-T was a guest of “Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz” podcast and talked about the new music, “Will Putney’s producing again. We’ve had three consecutive great albums working with Will; he understands. I call him ‘the Dr. Dre of metal,’ because he has the ability to produce different groups but make them sound like themselves, but just better.

He continued, “You make albums to perform ’em; you don’t make ’em just [to sit at home]. And we won a Grammy on that one. That was great; that was a great accolade. It kind of took the sting out of dropping an album to a dead scene; it took the sting out of it. But then the label’s, like, ‘Okay, we’ll do another album.’ And I’m, like, ‘Wait a minute. We didn’t even really get this one out good.”

As for recording vocals for Body Count, Ice-T said, “I’m at a point now… When I first used to do albums, I would do, like, 20 songs and then try to pick 12. Now I’m very difficult to find the music, so by the time I pick 12, those are the 12 songs. I’m not doing a whole bunch of recording just to find that… I know what I’m doing. I’m like that photographer that knows how to just wait until the right moment to take the picture: ‘Okay, that’s one… two.’ Versus the guy [who takes a bunch of pictures one after the other]. I don’t need to do that. So the ‘Merciless’ album is sounding pretty hard, though. We named the motherfucker ‘Merciless’.”

Body Count won a Grammy in the “Best Metal Performance” category at the 63rd annual Grammy Awards (March 2021).

Ice-T was born in 1958. The dude’s basically my mom’s age and still pumpin’ it out. Impressive, to say the least. Wonder how well the new album will be received? I bet you it slays most who listen. Body. Count. Okay, I’ll show myself out.


Written by Todd Hancock