Marilyn Manson Spitting Lawsuit Back in Court

November 3, 2023

This lawsuit just won’t go away, will it? This goes back to August 2019. But imagine how you’d feel if someone hawked a ‘big lougee’ at you, then blew their nose on your arm and hands. Now imagine that the person doing it was Marilyn Manson. Are you grossed out enough to want to sue him?

Well, per a police affidavit, Manson approached Susan Fountain in the stage pit area during his Aug. 19, 2019, show in Gilford, New Hampshire, and did the above.

Again, is that enough to sue?

Fountain is a concert videographer and photographer and earlier this year, the case was dismissed after she failed to appear in court on the date the trial was to begin.

Now, LA Superior Court, Judge Anne Hwang said that Fountain’s lawyer, Jennifer A. Clingo, had filed paperwork back in March (at the time had a medical issue) and merely forgot to enter the trial date in her calendar.

The judge said that Clingo has now “reduced her caseload and has prepared for management of her cases until she fully recovers.”

Fountain originally sued Manson, real name Brian Warner, in August 2021, claiming assault, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress. She said the incident has caused her “fear and anxiety”.

Manson’s legal team argued that the incident was part of his provocative stage persona. Attorney Howard King said, “Manson’s stage presence has always been controversial and designed to provoke a reaction. The spitting was not intended to cause harm or distress but rather to be a theatrical part of the show.”

I haven’t been able to find out what / or how much money she wants for the suffering, fear and anxiety.  And not to be a dick, but my mind just keeps going back to the same thing – Okay, if that happened – that’s really shitty of Manson.

But would you sue him for it?


Written by Todd Hancock